Item No.OBL631847Star Wars light music sword (red bag electricity)
Item No.OBL631669Flashing swords
Item No.OBL631612Star Wars cross swords (light and sound)
Item No.OBL631611Star Wars space sword (light and sound)
Item No.OBL631610Star Wars: the cross swords (lighting, sound)
Item No.OBL631609Star Wars double sword (light music)
Item No.OBL631202Batman flashing swords
Item No.OBL631201Transformers flashing swords
Item No.OBL630879Western sword
Item No.OBL630878Western sword
Item No.OBL630877Western sword
Item No.OBL630876Western sword
Item No.OBL630875Western sword
Item No.OBL630874The ginsu knives
Item No.OBL630873Western sword
Item No.OBL630456The needle gun sword